Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Matt in the header & Beth driving the chaser bin.
Harvest is well underway at “Ridge Station” with the oats & canola already stripped & the barley started. It has been a busy time with everyone in the family pitching in to help! Sam, Matt & Gav have been taking turns on the header while Beth has been flat out driving the chaser bin the whole time. Meg & Shell have taken turns driving the Louisville truck while Sam has been driving the Volvo when needed.

In between unloading trucks, moving augers, moving bins, keep all the machinery fuelled & greased, blowing down the header & putting tarps on if it looks like rain we have also been busy planting our next summer crop & spraying as well as doing some work with the stud cows.

Beth unloading the chaser bin into 'Mums' truck while
Dad waits for the next load
The wet season has made harvest abit of a challenge with many areas not yielding well due to waterlogging  & with water still lying in some areas we have had to be very careful not to bog the header or loaded trucks.

With some rain this week harvest has been put on hold for now but hopefully we won't get any more wet weather so it has a chance to dry up & we can get started again!