The weather is always playing on farmers minds regardless of what type of commodity they are trying to produce. 2010 has proved to be a very wet year, not only at “Ridge Station” but across the country.
In reality our total rainfall for the year so far is fairly close with the “average” rainfall for the district but considering we have had so many years of below average rainfall lately the wet weather has come as abit of a shock! We have already had 94 rainy days this year though, which is much greater than the average of 70 rainy days for the entire year. This indicates how the wet weather has stuck around, making it hard for the soil to dry out.
Although the rain has helped pasture growth at “Ridge Station” it has also done some damage. Many farmers have lost crops to waterlogging and flooding and those whose crops have made it this far now have the risk of a wet harvest. Unfortunately it has been raining at Caroona again this week, with some localised flooding.