Monday, December 27, 2010


To follow on from our blog before Christmas we wanted to talk about how breed stereotypes have been changing over time. These photos of cattle in the US demonstrate how different breeds are becoming more alike. We might be biased but it would seem that many of the other breeds are starting to look a lot like Angus! But then again why wouldn't they? With exceptional growth rates, ideal carcase traits & great maternal qualities the Angus breed has become the industry leader to follow.

The fact breeds are becoming more alike shows that now more than ever many breeds have the same target in mind, they have just begun their journey at different places relative to that target. So why is Angus closer to the 'ideal' target than other breeds? Because breeders have been quick to adopt technologies such as EBVs & DNA testing and have been using them to make improve their rate of genetic improvement for many years now.

The question is already being asked as to whether breeds in Australia will follow the same trend as those in the US considering we use so many of their genetics...or will environmental factors & the large number of different markets we have always create a need for variation between breeds in Australia?