Friday, April 29, 2011


We were lucky to make a flying visit to the Sydney Royal Easter Show before Easter. Not only was it great to catch up with friends and see good cattle but it was also impressive to see the huge range agricultural produce on display. It was also great to see so many people getting involved with the educational displays across the showground.

One of the most exciting pavilions was the Food Farm. This display is designed for families and shows where food comes from and its importance to everyday life. There were lots of hands-on activities in the pavilion aswell as “Ask a Farmer” sessions where people can ask Australian farmers about what they do. There was also the MLA Kitchen with numerous cooking demonstrations explaining how to best use the different cuts of meat.
 The Dairy Farmers Working Dairy is also a great display. Here people get the chance to watch cows being milked in a modern dairy while farmers explain the process. The dairy farmers also explain how they maximise production whilst looking after the cows and the environment. 
The District Exhibits were also impressive. These are huge ‘tapestrys’ made from local produce and they reflect the different types of agricultural production across several regions of NSW and SE QLD. To see how these District Exhibits are put together check out Katrina's blog!
With huge crowds visiting the show each day lets hope these displays, along with the many others, have taught people even just a little about agriculture!