Saturday, May 14, 2011


We are now able to tick off one of the final measurements of our 2011 Trio Angus sale bulls – the collection of their ultrasound scan data.

Ultrasound scanning is carried out to obtain information regarding an animals body composition. This technology uses sound waves to develop an image of different areas of the animal. These images can then be used to determine the eye muscle area (EMA), rib fat, rump fat & intramuscular fat (IMF) for each animal. Each of these traits are significant in the determination of meat quality & carcase yield. These traits are also moderately heritable meaning that bulls with good carcase characteristics will pass this onto their progeny. We also scan our heifers to use as a selection tool in our own stud breeding program.

For each of these traits there is no ‘ideal’ measurement. Different markets & different production systems have varying requirements for each trait. For example less rib fat may be desirable to achieve higher saleable meat yields however more rib fat may be ideal for producing females that can easily lay down fat for use in times of need.

The raw ultrasound measurements collected have now been submitted to BreedPlan so they can be included in each bulls carcase EBVs.