Monday, August 1, 2011


We would like to thank everyone who attended the Trio Angus Private Treaty Bull Sale & Open Day at Cassilis on Thursday 28th July.

15 bulls were sold on the day with many buyers commenting on the quality, temperament & presentation of the bulls. A top price of $6000 was reached twice & the rising two year old bulls averaged $4550 and the yearling bulls averaged $3333.

One of the top priced bulls, Trio Dateline E78, was bought by repeat buyers Malcolm & Donna Grace of ‘Eulo’ at Blackville. E78, a late October 2009 drop bull, displayed excellent growth for age & phenotype along with a good balance of carcase data.

Grant Piper from Piper Pastoral Coolah also paid $6000 for a Dateline son, Trio Dateline E70. This bull was one of the heaviest in the draft pushing 900kg on sale day with a weight gain of 2.2kg/day. Piper Pastoral has been a loyal client of Trio Angus for many years & this was their 7th bull purchase from the stud.

There was also strong interest in the yearling bulls on offer with Henry & Kate Thompson of ‘Baladonga’ Coolah paying the top price of $4000.
We were pleased to have such strong local interest, as well as many northern based clients, showing support at our first Private Treaty Bulls Sale & Open Day since relocating the stud. It seemed many people enjoyed the low stress sale environment on the day as it gave them time to talk with us about what bulls may work in their breeding program. The Open Day also gave people a chance to inspect the bulls & make arrangements to come back & purchase closer to joining.
Dr. Stuart Hallidays presentation
Dr Stuart Halliday gave a presentation on the day about ‘Maximising Cattle Performance on Green Feed’. Stuart is a ruminant nutrition & reproduction expert who shared some valuable knowledge & information to an enthusiastic crowd of more than 30 people. The presentation provoked many questions & discussions throughout the BBQ lunch that followed.

We would like to thank everyone who attended & made the day a success. Trio Angus still has 10 bulls for sale, contact us for more information. 

Photos credit: Sal Edwards