Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Trio Angus has just registered to host their first FarmDay! FarmDay is where a farming family hosts a city family for a day & gives them the chance to get some hands-on experience on a real working farm.

This program was initiated to give urban Australians a greater understanding of where their food & fibre comes from & how it is produced. FarmDay also gives farmers the opportunity to promote agriculture & explain how a modern farming business operates. 

FarmDay organisers have found that many city families who have participated in Farm Day in the past are now great advocates for Australian agriculture in metropolitan areas & are educating their friends & family on the importance of supporting Australia’s farmers. This is exactly what agriculture needs!

Currently there are not enough farms registered to host all of the city families that are interested. Are you thinking your farm isn’t ‘interesting enough’ to host a city family? You’re wrong! Every farm has something to share, whether you’re a beef farmer or a grain farmer everything produced on a farm has a story behind it to tell! FarmDay also has a comprehensive insurance policy that covers all participants.

The experience of visiting farm is becoming increasingly uncommon for city families so help bridge the rural-urban divide by registering to host a family (or visit a farm) this FarmDay, May 28 or 29 2011.

Visit the FarmDay website for more info.